Random act of kindness touches care staff and the community
Random act of kindness touches care staff and the community
Two care staff at St Michael’s Hospice were left stunned when a member of the public paid their fuel bill.
Senior Healthcare Assistants Jaki Moffat and Katie Hughes were midway through a shift when they stopped to fill up at the Holmer Road petrol station in Hereford.
As Jaki made her way into the store to pay, a man leant out of his car window to say he’d already settled the £28 bill.
Jaki and Katie have since been reunited with the generous driver – Mike Perruzza – who said it was a pleasure to help support St Michael’s Hospice.
“I’ve been to St Michael’s several times as part of my voluntary role with Herefordshire 4×4 Response, helping Hospice staff get to work during floods and heavy snow,” he said.
“Through my working career, I’ve seen colleagues who have had friends and family cared for by St Michael’s. It’s just a great cause.”
St Michael’s Hospice had originally told its 26,000 social media followers about the gesture, which led to Mike being identified as the Good Samaritan.
“It was just such a lovely thing to do,” said Jaki, who works with Katie in the Hospice at Home team which is based at St Michael’s in Bartestree, near Hereford, and serves the whole community.
“I’m so glad we’ve been able to meet him in person to say thank you.
“Something like this really restores your faith in humanity – and we can’t thank Mike enough for his generosity.”
Katie said the fuel payment was wonderful gesture.
“I’m very proud to represent Hospice at Home in the community and on behalf of the whole team I would like to thank Mike for his generosity,” she added.
The Herefordshire 4×4 Response team has supported St Michael’s at several of its events, including RUN Hereford and Paint Runner.
St Michael’s Hospice provides palliative and end-of-life care free of charge for those in Herefordshire and beyond, as well as providing support for loved ones.
The majority of its care is funded by the community, through a variety of means including supporters taking part in St Michael’s Hospice events, playing the St Michael’s Hospice Lottery, shopping in the charity’s retail shops, or leaving gifts in Wills.
For more information on supporting St Michael’s, just call 01432 851000 or click this link https://www.st-michaels-hospice.org.uk/get-involved/