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24 April 2024

Kenny's special bagpipe visit to his bedside

Kenny's bagpipe surprise organised by wife Kate

“I enjoyed every minute of it” said Kenny after surprise organised by his wife

When Kenny became too poorly for one last road-trip back to his beloved Scotland, his wife Kate arranged for Scotland to come to his bedside at St Michael’s.

The sound of bagpipes, played by a friend of the couple, filled the air during a special moment arranged by Kate.

“It was a huge surprise, and I enjoyed every minute,” said Kenny.

“From the moment we arrived here, the care has been exemplary.”

His wife says she was so grateful to St Michael’s for allowing the couple to share a moment which will remain with them both forever.

“It’s very attentive, astute care that is just so humbling,” said Kate. “All staff, no matter their job, have been sincere and attentive. The other night, we had family here. I waved them goodbye and turned to come back to Kenny’s room. It was midnight and very quiet, yet I felt at home, and that’s because it’s so calm and peaceful at St Michael’s. I really feel blessed that I have been here for this part of Kenny’s journey.”

Bagpipe surprise for Kenny

Kenny and Kate’s experience of care at St Michael’s is made possible thanks to the generosity of our community.

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