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Supporting what matters most to you

Whatever your beliefs, the Spiritual Care team at St Michael’s Hospice will always respect and affirm you.

What we do:

St Michael’s Hospice offers spiritual care and support to patients, their families, friends and carers. Recognising and caring for spiritual needs is as important as the physical and practical care that we offer.

Some people will have specific requests relating to their faith or culture. For others, spirituality describes the interests and relationships that give value and meaning to their lives. During times of illness and stress these vital sources of identity and connection can be affected and changed. Spiritual care can support people as they reflect on their situation, listen to and celebrate life stories, talk through some of the questions raised and help to restore a sense of balance and peace.

Couples sometimes ask to renew their wedding vows or get married, others ask for baptism or a blessing on a family gathering or relationship, some (re)discover the discipline of prayer, contemplation or taking communion. We will always do our best to listen carefully and provide a safe supportive environment. 

Here for you:

A member of the Spiritual Care Team is usually available in the Inpatient Unit on weekdays and during most Day Services sessions, or by request via any of the Hospice services. We can also meet you at home if you are an out-patient or being cared for by the Hospice at Home service. If requested, we can contact a leader of a particular faith or philosophy on your behalf.  

The Iona Room:

The Iona Room is a place for prayer, a space to find peace and stillness. You are welcome to simply sit and absorb the atmosphere or you can ask a member of the Spiritual Care Team to come alongside.

In the Iona Room you can light a candle, put a message of love on the metalwork apple tree, write in the message book, view the book of remembrance, make use of the prayer and contemplation leaflets, browse the book collection or simply sit and enjoy the calm and peaceful atmosphere.


Confidentiality enables you to build trust with the person offering you spiritual care, so you feel able to talk about your deepest beliefs, thoughts and feelings. There may be occasions when we need to pass on limited information to other professionals. We would talk this over with you before doing so.

For more information