Christmas Auction raises £3611
Christmas Auction raises £3611
We’re delighted to announce that our Christmas Auction raised £3611 for the Hospice.
From an image signed by sprint icon Usain Bolt to a four-night stay at a property made famous by a hit Netflix series, there was something for everyone.
Around half of the 28 auction items were donated by St Michael’s supporter Nick Nenadich who earlier this year raised thousands for his Hospice during a fundraiser based around his favourite sports of rugby and cricket.
We’d like to extend our thanks to Nick Nenadich, Cotswold BMW Hereford and Cathy and Stuart Morgan (owners of the Netflix House) for donating the amazing lots and to everyone who placed a bid, helping us to raise this fantastic amount and to continue caring to make a difference.
Thanks also to Brightwells for hosting the Auction.