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Associate Trustee – Finance

About the role

We are looking for a new Associate Trustee with significant financial experience, who shares a passion to serve our community and who can help us ensure that we are able to deliver our services today, tomorrow and always. This is a voluntary role, and you would work with the Board of Trustees, Chief Executive and the Strategic Management Team. St Michael’s provides end of life care free to our patients within Herefordshire and surrounding counties, by way of Inpatient and Outpatient units and a Hospice at Home service. We also provide education to those organisations that provide care. Our ambition is to do more to fill the end of life care gaps in the system. To do this St Michaels has to continually raise funds through a variety of sources. You would provide strategic oversight and advise on financial matters and provide constructive challenge to our Senior Leadership Team. Associate Trustees do not have voting rights or the responsibility of being a statutory Company director

What we are looking for

– Chartered accountant with strong financial management experience in a commercial environment

– Understanding of financial administration in the charity sector

– Understanding of the management of charity resources, including internal financial controls, charity reserves and restricted funding

We would expect an Associate Trustee not having experience of the charity sector to gain that knowledge during their first year. An Associate Trustee should be able to demonstrate appropriate professional skills to provide oversight of the activities of the Hospice and offer challenge and support to the Strategic Management Team. You would need to have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and an empathy with Hospice philosophy is essential. Successful applicants will have an induction and will start as an Associate Trustee for a one year period, attending during this time Board of Trustee and Finance and Investment Committee meetings. Each of these take place routinely four times a year and there can be additional special meetings called. The intention is for an Associate Trustees to become a Trustee after the initial one year period. However, in certain circumstances a person may remain as an Associate Trustee. Associate Trustees are encouraged to attend fundraising events throughout the year. In return you will be able to share your experience and expertise in driving forward a progressive charity and make a real contribution.

What you can expect from us

St Michael’s Hospice provides Inpatient and day services, as well as Hospice at Home care and support. St Michael’s has been at the forefront of the Hospice care movement since 1984. By sharing our knowledge and expertise with other healthcare professionals, we have played an important role in revolutionising palliative care. With people living longer than ever before, our professional staff and trained volunteers are committed to improving the quality of life for our patients, their families and carers. Our multi-disciplinary team includes doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, complementary therapists, social workers, chaplains and counsellors. Specialist Hospice staff work together and often in partnership with the NHS to relieve patients’ symptoms, control their pain and help them to live well until the end of life. We are also there to ensure loved ones have access to the appropriate care and support they need to cope with the complex feelings and lifestyle changes caused by a terminal illness

Included is a downloadable pack to provide you with our background, our mission, values, and aspects that makes us St Michael’s Hospice.


Job Details
Income Generation Marketing & Communications
St Michael's Hospice Bartestree Hereford HR1 4HA UK
Closing date:
13 December 2024